
November 26, 2007

Getting ready to close the tank - 2.0 hrs.

Today I got out the cheapie rivet puller I bought at Harbor Freight and ground the heck out of the top of it, as you can see below. This is necessary, as you will see, to get it to fit in place to pull the rivets on the z-brackets at the rear of the tank. It will also come in handy later on in a few other places. I don't want to do this to a good tool, so I bought this cheap one just for this purpose.

Next, it's time to unbolt the z-brackets from the wing spar, deburr if necessary, clean them up, and shoot them with a coat of primer. I didn't have time to prime them tonight, but you can see them all laid out above, cleaned and ready to prime. I'm finally ready to close up this tank! I'll wait for a day when I have plenty of time. From what I read, it's a big job.

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