Finishing Kit

September 6, 2011

The Canopy Frame Brace Kit - (continued) - 3.0 hrs.

Today was installation day for the canopy frame brace kit. First step was to secure the canopy frame to my work bench to make sure it was flat and not twisted or warped. I clamped it in place upside down with the skin clecoed on, and started with the center brace. First, I drilled the forward edge to the frame with #30.

Then I drilled the aft edge to the skin, with #40. Next, the side piece was carefully curved and clamped in place on the bow of the frame, and drilled #30 to the frame first, then #40 to the skin. Also seen below are the 3 little clasps, fitted and drilled and clecoed into place. They're drilled onto the front of the brace for now, but they'll be riveted onto the back side of the brace.

A while later, the brace for the other side is drilled and clecoed as well.

Now, it all comes apart for the usual deburring, dimpling of the #40 skin rivets, cleaning, scuffing and priming.

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