
August 24, 2008

Installing AOA system sensors - 2.5 hrs.

After studying the instruction manual thoroughly, I was anxious to get started installing the AOA sensors in my wing. I'm putting these sensors in the left wing along with the pitot tube. The right wing will carry the brackets and servo for the autopilot.

Here's my left wing laying on the workbench with all the stuff laid out. I photocopied the page with the crucial information I needed, and circled the measurements for the RV-7 wing. The white plastic thing is the sensor itself. I also needed a sharpie pen and my precision ruler. You measure carefully and put marks on the white tape for drilling the holes for the sensor.

Two holes are drilled to bolt the sensor in place, and the tiny #60 hole is drilled in the middle, where the lines cross. Then deburring takes place.

That's all I got done this time. I really took my time with measurements, to make sure it was all done correctly. I need to get out my proseal and mix some up before actually mounting the sensors. They need to be sealed to insure no leakage.

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