
October 2, 2007

Started work on the Left Tank - 3 hrs.

Today I started work on the tank for the left wing. As I've said, I have been looking forward to this. I find it interesting and I think it will be rewarding to get it finished.

I don't have a lot of pictures today... just this one. It was a bugger to get this thing clecoed together for the first time. It has thicker skin than the leading edge and requires even more coaxing to get the holes in the ribs lined up with the skin. But as you can see, it all comes together if you persist. Using an awl or ice pick proved to be the most valuable tool to line up holes before clecoing.

When this was together, the rest of my time was spent at the scotchbrite wheel, deburring and polishing the z-brackets and tank stiffeners. You can see some of them in a small pile in the bottom left corner of this picture.

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