Finishing Kit

July 14, 2012

The Canopy Fairing - continued - 5.0 hrs.

I have spent bits of time the last few days sanding away at the sandable primer I applied. I'm now using a sanding sponge, about 400 grit on the areas that I know are finished and acceptable. I'll be using 600 grit at some point on all of it before calling it done. For the troublesome areas where there are pits, low spots, rivets showing through or whatever, I'm applying more filler. I sanded those areas down with #150 to sand away all the gray primer. Then I mixed up a small batch of resin with the 410 filler again, and spread it on. This area on the right side still looks a little bit low, so I applied a wide patch to raise it up a bit.

As you can see, I have also applied some peel ply tape. This is the first time I have used it. The resin I mixed up wasn't as thick as I made it last time, and it was starting to sag just a tiny bit. This put a stop to that immediately. It's also a way to smooth out the filler to minimize the sanding necessary.

Hopefully, this is the last bit of filler for the canopy. I'll find out soon enough.

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