Finishing Kit

June 27, 2012

The Canopy Fairing - continued - 3.0 hrs.

After my near-disaster the other night, I'm back in the shop to carry on. After removing as much of the clear resin that I could the other night, I had no choice but to let everything cure and go from there. I had kind of a mess when I started tonight, but things are looking up. I pulled the orange tape the other night, so that helped clean up a lot. Before applying any more epoxy and glass, this needed to be cleaned up and sanded to some extent. I was able to very carefully sand away any remaining epoxy that was stuck on the canopy, and sand the good layers of glass down nice and smooth. Here are a couple of pictures after the cleanup operation.

You can see the roughly 3/8" of plexi exposed, where I cleaned up my mistake. It's now ready, finally, to apply those last 4 layers again.

But not this time. It's late. I'll carry on in the next day or two.

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