Finishing Kit

August 30, 2011

The Canopy Frame Struts - (continued) - 5.0 hrs.

Today I continued my work on the parts for the struts for the tip-up canopy frame. First, you can see here how I positioned the thick aluminum blocks on the frame where they go, clamped them in place, and drilled them out to full size.

Next, it was time to tap the threads. So I pulled out my big drill press clamp and used it to hold the parts while I carefully tapped them. These are big holes, so use lots of boelube (seen in the plastic container on the bench).

And here are the finished blocks, all tapped and drilled, deburred, ready to prime.

Next, it's time to countersink the canopy frame for the bolt holes that hold these blocks in place. It takes big countersinks for these bolts, so they sit flush when installed.

Finally, the skin is dimpled with the big dimples for these screws. Here's a closeup shot of this final step:

Next, I'll be going back to work on the canopy brace kit parts.

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