Finishing Kit

May 19, 2011

The Canopy Frame - continued - 2.0 hrs.

Tonight, the canopy frame and skin were put in place for the first time. It was a bit of a struggle to force the hinge goosenecks into place in the hinge pin blocks, but I finally wriggled them into place.

As hard as I tried to get this together, I couldn't close this gap between the canopy frame skin and the top forward skin. It's about 1/8".

You can't really see it in this picture, but a light placed below showed that the hinge goosenecks were hitting the spacer in between the blocks. The top end curves away, so it looks in this picture like there's plenty of clearance, but down deeper they're touching each other, preventing any closing of the gap.

So I pulled everything apart, and took the hinge pin blocks apart. You can see how I marked and cut the spacers, to allow the hinge goosenecks to slide further back and hopefully close the gap.

While it was all apart, I also filed a bit off the front edges of the gooseneck arms, at about a 45° angle, to make it easier to slide them into place.

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