
May 19, 2010

A Friend From Far Away

One of the things I'm enjoying the most as I continue with my project is a chance to meet some really great people. The new friends I'm making, from far and wide, mean more to me than I can put into words. I've said this before, but I can't help saying it again. RV people are the greatest people in the world! Mike Bullock lives in Maryland, not too far from Baltimore. I've never been to Maryland in my life. Not sure when I'll get there. If not for this project and the wonders of the modern internet, what are the odds I would have ever met him and some of my other new friends? We live in amazing times.

Anyway, Mike is building a fabulous RV-7 and he's way ahead of me. He's going to be flying before too long. He also has one of the best web sites I've seen, right here. I refer to it a lot, and I've borrowed a lot of ideas from him. We exchange a lot of ideas and discussion in the forums on Rivetbangers.com. He's been kind enough to mail things to me in the past. So you can imagine how pleased I was to find out he was going to be in town on business. I invited him to be sure and stop by while he's here so we could hang out for a while.

Obviously, we spent most of our time in the shop. I wanted to show some good ol' Northwest hospitality, though, so I broke out some cold ones, and some snacks, including my homemade guacamole. We didn't get any work done, but it didn't matter. It was a lot of fun and this was really great.

Mike had a good time, too. This is the most fun I've had in a while, and I learned a few things, too. It's always good to have another experienced pair of eyes looking over your work and helping you out. Thanks for crossing the continent and coming over, Mike! I'm really looking forward to another visit sometime soon. One of these days, we'll be at some big fly-ins together.

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