
September 11, 2009 Let's not ever forget what happened to America on this date!

F-787 Top Rib, F-707B Angle, Gussets, Deburring, Dimpling - 3.0 hrs.

I got a lot of different things done today. First, I unclecoed the right side of the forward skin and lifted it up. This masking tape trick works real well.

There's a short angle piece that holds the aft end of the F-787 top rib to the F-707 Bulkhead, and the skin needs to be lifted up to give you access to install it.

After fabricating this piece, I clamped it in place and drilled it to the F-707 and to the F-787 rib. It's seen above after cleaning it up and priming it.

Next, while the skin was lifted up giving me easy access, it was time to finish drilling these F-656 gussets to the F-706 bulkhead and the longeron. Then I went ahead and deburred, etc. and primed them. Be careful when you rivet these. Unlike the pair further aft for the F-707 bulkhead, these require FLUSH RIVETS on the forward side of the F-706. So you have to remember to dimple them, and dimple the F-706 and install flush rivets. Otherwise you will have to drill them out and do it right. DON'T ask me how I know.

When I was finished with all these things, I took both top skins off and the F-787 and F-788 gusset. I deburred and dimpled all the holes in the F-706, 707, 708, and 709 bulkheads. Then I got out the shop vacuum and cleaned up the inside of the fuselage.

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