
January 1, 2009

Finishing up the Riveting! - 7.0 Hrs.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What a great way to spend a holiday... working on the airplane! Daniel is going back to college tomorrow, and he offered to help me finish riveting this thing together, so I wanted to take advantage of his help before he leaves. Today with his help, we were able to finish up all the rest of the riveting on the aft fuse assembly.

But before I asked him to come out in the shop, I was able to work solo from where I left off yesterday. I finished the riveting along the J-channel stringers and halfway up the bulkheads. Above, the right side. Below, the left side. This baby is now ready to flip over so we can do the bottom.

After helping me flip it over, Daniel shot rivets while I sat underneath on a cushion bucking them. This went fast! It only took us about 1-1/2 hours to do all the bottom rivets. Daniel does excellent riveting. I'm very pleased with the results. Thank you, Daniel...!!

He looks happy, too. All smiles! We had fun together. I'm very fortunate to have such a great son and riveting partner. There's nothing like a little father/son time in the shop working on the plane.

This is now ready to flip back over. About all that's left at this point is to work on the rudder stops.

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