Well, I drove down to Vans today to get a replacement HS-404 nose rib, and the two HS-405 inboard ribs that I messed up the other day. So the first order of business today was to try again with these parts. This time, I got the flange on the nose rib cut correctly, so I have good edge distance. I clamped it in place and marked where the rivet holes will go, then took it out and deburred and fluted it. I also assembled the entire right side of the HS.
Above, the nose ribs are clamped in place after deburring and fluting, ready for final drilling.
The lower HS-405 ribs are also in place in this shot, after the same careful marking, deburring, and fluting. Above, all the drilling through the skins has been done. Below, I'm using my right-angle drill to finish drilling the ribs to the forward spar. This is a great tool to have!
Now that all the drilling has been completed, it's time to dismantle everything for deburring, dimpling, some priming, and then it's ready to rivet together.
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